
Ball Manipulation

Players to hold a ball each (remember this does not have to be a rugby ball).
Players to move within the working area holding the ball in two hands looking for spaces not faces (avoiding contact). As the players move around the grid they are asked to perform one of the following exercises:

1 Pass the ball from hand to hand (pat-a-cake).
2 Throw the ball in the air and catch it.
3 Throw the ball in the air and clap 3 times and catch it.
4 Swap your ball with a partner by passing over and under.
5 Place the ball on the ground by scoring a try and hunt and pick up a new ball.

Breakout Tag

Rules as for End Ball but now players are permitted to run with the ball.

The aim of the game is for the team in middle to make four passes before the pass the ball to their player that is standing on the outer square. the player on the outer square must pass the ball back in the middle before 3 seconds is up. Once the ball is back in the middle the team must get it out one more time to score a try. You can add a few defenders in once the children get the hang of the game. If a player takes too long on the ball they can be tagged by the opponent by taking out their tag or touching them.

End Ball

The aim of the game is for the team in possession to get the ball to the scorer without running with the ball. One player stands behind the line at each end of the pitch (try-line) and acts as the try scorer. Once the try scorer receives the pass they ground the ball on the floor to score a try. Rotate the try scorer after each try or two minutes whichever comes first. Player in possession is not allowed to move but all other team members can run into a space and call for the ball. All passes must be caught. If they are dropped, go out of play or are touched by a defender then the ball is given to the defending team, who now become the attackers.

Keep Ball

The children will be split into two teams. The idea is to keep the ball by passing to your team-mates. If you are tagged or your tag has been removed then you must run and place the ball outside the area and run back in to join the now defending team. A player from the opposing team will pit it up and pass to their team to keep it as long as they can.

Numbers Tag

Each member of the team is given a number 1,2 or 3. The idea is for the team without the ball to try to tag the player with the ball. All players are active until the teach calls out a number. Once the number is called out, the players in the defending team who were that number will kneel on the ground and are now inactive. The attacking team must find the space and score a try. Once the team scores a try the defending team are now attacking.

Running Tag

Rules as for End Ball but now players are permitted to run with the ball. The aim of the game is for the team in possession to ground the ball on or over the opposition try line. A try is scored by a pass being made to a player who is stood at the opposition’s try line or who runs over the opposition’s try line without being tagged and grounds the ball. The game starts with a free pass from the centre. All passes must be caught. If they are dropped, go out of play or are touched by a defender then the ball is given to the defending team, who now become the attackers.


Arrange the players into four groups, one group at each corner of the grid in a single file line facing centre. Place a ring of cones (the empty nest) a metre from the corner towards the centre spot. In the centre of the grid place a larger nest containing all the balls. The game starts by the player at the front of each line running to the centre nest, collecting a ball and returning to place it in their own nest. They may then touch player two to trigger their turn (as in a relay). The players now have option to collect from the centre or steal from another team’s nest in order to build their collection. This relay continues until one team has three balls in their nest.