Hundreds, Tens and Units
Place Value
If your class are working on place value then this game is very useful for them to play.
The game will select a number and place it in either the H T or U column. The aim is to place the number in the column greater than that chosen by the game.
Tens and Units Counting
Introduce your class to the practical aspect of tens and units by using these flashcards.
Your class must count the tens sticks and the units to determine the total amount shown.
Click the image to begin downloading this tens and units teaching resources.
Addition and Subtraction up to 100
Download our tens and units addition and subtraction flashcards to allow your children to practise their addition and subtraction skills using vertical notation.
The purple boxes do not cross the 10 and do not require carrying or exchanging. The green boxes require carrying and exchanging.
Download the file by clicking the image.
Tens and Units - An Intro
This is a great video clip to show and introduce your class to tens and units.
This resource is fantastic as it allows you to create addition, subtraction, multiplication and division worksheets and you can choose the number parameters.
Place Value
This is a speed challenge for place value activities.
You can select from adding, subtracting, multiplication and division working with units, tens, hundreds and thousands.
Speed Challenge
This is a great activity as an oral mental starter or during a plenary.
There are a variety of areas of numeracy that you can work on here. The tens and units section is great as you can choose whether you want to cross tens or not.
The children are challenged even further as this a timed activity.
Tens and Units Dartboard
This is a fantastic resource for children who are beginning to add numbers in the tens and units format.
You can choose the number in the middle and can reveal numbers and then answers as your class complete the sums.
Tens and Units Flashcards
Introduce your children to the practical aspect of tens and units by using these flashcards.
Your class must count the tens sticks and the units to determine the total amount shown.
Click the image to begin downloading this tens and units teaching resources.
Hundreds, Tens and Units - Decomposition
A customisable resource that allows the teacher and children to work on decomposition when looking at thousands, hundreds, tens, units and more.
This resource is great as you can choose the level of difficulty.
Tens and Units and Explain Everything
In this activity, your children can work on anything linked to place value. Instead of writing down sums on a page, let the children write different sums on a new slide.
To access the full lesson plan click here.
Tens and Units Worksheets
A variety of worksheets linked to tens and units.
You can choose to work on adding and taking away tens, crossing the tens, exchange or straight forward subtraction.
You can also choose to work on single or double digit numbers.
Tens and Units Worksheets
Choose from a wide range of tens and units (differentiated) worksheets for your class.
Grouping in 5s or 10s
A fantastic resource to encourage children to count carefully and group in 5s or 10s. They are then encouraged to count the total amount.
A great introduction to tens and units.
Tens and units
Learn tens and units using dines apparatus. Create different amounts and check your answer using the ‘show’ button.
Place Value
A fantastic resource to highlight place value to lower ks1 children when learning about tens and units.
Hundreds, Tens and Units
This links to a few resources, games and clips linked to place value.
Your children can deepen their understanding by watching simple tutorials and completing the questions relating to hundreds, tens and units.
Shark Attack
This tens and units game is one that the children always love.
The objective of the game is the count the tens sticks and then the units to find the value. If a child gets is right they proceed to the next stage. If they get it wrong, a shark will come an eat a section of their boat.
This game introduces the children to counting tens sticks and units if a fun and effective way!
Dino Place Value
This introductory tens and units game teaches the values behind the numbers. This, at first, can be a very tough concept to grasp as the children don’t realise that the column the number is placed in shows its value.
Stimulating and fun tens and units game!
This resource enables you to complete addition and subtraction sums in an enjoyable and random way. The children (or teacher) can enter in values of their choice and the children can get started.
A fantastic, customisable resource that can be used in a number of ways.
You can also add more spinners depending on the ability of the children. Great for Tens and Units work!